Wednesday, March 25, 2015

17 Rules to Follow When You’re Falling in Love & Photos from Hollywood’s Greatest Romantic Moments

(The Notebook)
  1. Appreciate the falling part of being in love while it's happening. Because it doesn't last

  2. (Pretty Woman)
2. And when the falling part of being in love is over, Don't be sad. Or scared. Because reaching a deeper level of intimacy with that person is even more exciting

(Sweet Home Alabama)
3. Do not fret about who loves who more. Love is not a game or a competition. If you think of it that way, you probably won't be in love for very long.


4. Put your whole heart into it.

…but don't lose yourself in the process.

(Fifty Shades of Grey)

Spend an entire day together without getting out of your pajamas. Lay in bed. Watch cartoons. Eat pancakes at two o'clock in the afternoon. Refuse to answer your phone.
(How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days)

7. Don't try to hide any aspects of yourself. If you want this relationship to last, you have to be comfortable with showing them your truest, most genuine self. That includes the not-so-glamorous sides.

(A Walk to Remember)

Do not feel bad about being in love when you're around people who are not in love.


…just don't slobber all over your significant other and make everybody else regret hanging out with you.

(The Titanic)

Don't try to hold anything back. Don't try to follow a specific timeline. Falling love has no designated path. It will be different for everyone.

(Jerry Maguire) 

11. Keep up with your hobbies and passions.

(Dirty Dancing)

12. because at some point, you'll stop falling in love and you'll just be in love. And you don't want that to be the only thing in your life.

(10 Things I Hate About You)

Hibernate with your person for a while. Enjoy this time when you are both consumed with each other. But don't let it last forever. At some point, you have to venture back out into your social circles.

(The Great Gatsby)

Remember to keep making time for your friends. Text them back and go out to dinner and exercise together and spend Friday nights in at each other's apartments. Because eventually, you and your partner won't be as all-consumed with one another, and you'll want your friends around to give you a break from each other.

(The Bodyguard)

Refrain from comparing your experience to that of anyone else's experiences. They will never match up. They will never be the same. And it will just distract you with wondering if something is wrong with your relationship, instead of just allowing you to enjoy the falling while it's happening.

(Gone with the Wind)

Don't look at your phone while you're talking to one another. These are some of the most important conversations you will have, even if they're just silly and lighthearted. You don't want to be half-present for them.

(Forrest Gump)

Fall hard. And don't be afraid.

(The Vow)

[List's Original Source:
and Photos originated from Google Photos]