Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sharing Creative Works: Is This Why We Blog?!?!?

Why Do We Blog?!?!?

(or Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest...) 

Sharing creative works is said to be something many of the creative geniuses in history have had in common, according to the article from creativelive.com by Hanna Brooks Olsen, entitle "8 Daily Habits You Should Definitely Steal from History’s Greatest Creatives," published April 9, 2014.

According to time mangement consultant, founder of gettingthingsdone.com (GTU) and time management guru, David Allen, "your head is for having ideas, not for holding them." With that being said, there may very well be some kind of creative benefit to sharing your work, regardless of the medium used for sharing. After all this couldn't be entirely inaccurate if legendary American and Altogether-Creative-Bad-Ass (author, poet, dancer, actress, and singer), Maya Angelou (1928-2014) us claimed to this philosophy, sharing her daily work with her husband, as part of their nightly routine. 

Then again, isn't sharing our work, creative thoughs, and ideas the very reason that we create and continue to update elaborate blogs and continually check our conglomeration of social media and feel compelled to change our "statuses" regularly throughout the day?

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