Tuesday, June 30, 2015

9 Amy Poehler Quotes to Remind You What's Important

1. ) Sometimes painful things can teach us lessons that we didn't think we needed to know.

2. ) Rooting for other people's failure does get in the way of your success.

3. ) Taking risks and making choices is what makes life so exciting.

4. ) The earlier you learn that you should focus on what you have and not obsess about what don't have, the happier you will be.

5. ) If you can speak about what you care about to a person you disagree with, without denigrating or insulting them, then you may actually be heard, or you might even change their mind.

6. ) Accepting love is very hard, but it's so nourishing when we do. Therefore, we have something to give back to someone else.

7. ) Apologies can be simple; they don't have to be grandiose, and it's never to late to apologize.

8. ) If someone asks you why you're crying, you can just say: 'Because of how wrong you are'.

9. ) You deserve love and you'll get it.

[Original Source: mashable.com/2013/16/amy-poehler-quotes/]

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