Saturday, November 22, 2014

!-?-!-?-! OMG...Miss Madison will OFFICIALLY a "Teenager" on Saturday, November 29th, 2014 !-?-!-?-!

Happy 13th Birthday, Madison... 
I Hope you always remember how much you are loved and that despite resistance you will always be my little girl. I hope you have a fantastic day and have a year full of fun (but you and Rhianna should give being a little nicer to your little sister - Haley Rae hangs onto EVERYTHING you girls tell her)!!!
Love You, Mom


Miss Madison Rena Kae (my middle child & miniature cookie-cutter copy of me, but a little sweeter)... is turning 13, despite every effort on the planet to keep her from becoming...oh I hate to say it... an adolescent... This celabratory time for every blossoming girl seems to cause me to be so proud of the person she is becoming, with strong urges to reminise on her life from the moment I discovered she existed in my womb. However, as a mother, I also feel so much stabbing terror as we face so many future-unknowns that will continue to shape her personality, determining her identity in the future. I struggle with the concept that she will soon begin finding the (often-not so logical) influence of her peer group more appealing than that of the adults in her life, who love her unconditionally. I feel this element of panic, also, knowing that she will have experiences that (although, may be character building) will make her feel more pain and heartache than she has ever known, and can't be consoled by mom (who is SO-TOTALY-Uncool)... she will meet a jerk on her journey in life who will eventually break her heart, have to face a cruel reality of rejection, or having loss and grief that just continues to stare her down day after day: all of which will leave her feeling alone with tears in her beautiful green eyes and a change within her, reflected in her view of the world, feeling like she is so lost she will never find her way back, and often feeling pangs of insecurity that are utterly-shattering, while seriously questioning if she has it in her to go on to the next day;all of which leaving a mother completely helpless as she doesn't have the means to make the world fair and kind...

Despite my apprehension regarding the unknown, I continue to watch her develop with grace, dignity, and a few skinned knees, while I wait for the angst, irritability, and her "So-Not Happening-Ever" requests to date a hitman or go to a sleep over in a crack-house with her BFF the prostitute she befriended on the street corner, LOL.

xxMom, Lexy Lou